5th Grade Math/Science Disclosure

Fifth Grade Math/Science
Ogden Preparatory Academy 2018-19
Teacher: Ms. Chiang                                                             
K-6 Building: Room 222
Email: SChiang@ogdenprep.org                                                           
Phone Number: 801-627-2066

  • Operations and Algebraic Thinking
  • Number and Operations in Base Ten- Place Value
  • Number and Operations - Decimals, Fractions
  • Measurement and Data
  • Geometry

  • To understand chemical and physical changes that occur in matter
  • To understand that volcanoes, earthquakes, uplift, weathering, and erosion reshape the Earth's surface
  • To understand that magnetism can be observed when there is an interaction between the magnetic fields of magnets, or between a magnet and materials made of iron
  • To understand features of static and current electricity
  • To understand that heredity are traits passed from the parent organisms to their offspring
**Objectives for course work are determined according to the Utah State Core Curriculum.
GRADING SCALE: The grading scale will be consistent with that of the OPA scale.

A+ 100%& UP
A   93-99%
A- 90-92%
B+ 87-89%
B 83-86%
B- 80-82%
C+ 77-79%
C 73-76%
C- 70-72%
D+ 67-69%
D 63-66%
D- 60-62%

  • Preparedness/Participation (Bring materials needed to class, active listening,
answering questions, positive and productive group participation) 15%
  • Bell Work     20%
  • Daily Work – Homework and In-class     30%
  • Quizzes                    15%
  • Tests and Projects     20%

My citizenship grade will follow the criteria set up as a school-wide policy. 
  • S (Satisfactory) - 2 tardies or missing assignments
  • N (Need Improvement) -3 tardies or missing assignments
  • U (Unsatisfactory) -4 or more tardies or missing assignments

Each student will receive 6 hall passes at the beginning of each quarter. Unused hall passes may be turned in for 2 points per pass for extra credit at the end of each quarter. Passes may be used for lockers, or for the bathroom. Emergency situation hall passes are not required. We will discuss other uses during our classroom procedures.

Late work will receive half credit. Students will have one week from the date of assignment to turn in late work. After which, Zero points will be assigned. Students have their planners signed by their teachers everyday as well as by their parents. They should have no problem getting their work in on time.

If a child is absent, they have the number of days they were absent, to turn in their work. If there are extreme circumstance they will be dealt with on an individual basis. To avoid missed work, parents can call and ask for their child’s work to be left in the office. If that doesn’t work than a sibling or friend may also pick up the work. Please notify the office before 9 a.m. If your child is leaving for vacation/trip, please give me one week notice to gather the assignments.  

If students are absent, it is their responsibility to make-up their notes, homework, class work, and missed quizzes.


  1. Come to class on time with requested materials and be ready to learn.
  2. All assignments are to be turned in on time.
  3. Cheating is not tolerated during any type of assessments in class. If a student is caught cheating, he/she will be assigned a detention after school and parents will be contacted. Student will receive a ZERO for that assessment.


  1. Follow directions the first time and be respectful to everyone.
  2. Keep hands, feet, and any other objects to yourself at all times.
  3. No food, drinks, gum, or any other distractive items in the classroom. Students may bring non-flavored water in a bottle to class. No other beverages will be allowed.

BEHAVIOR/CONSEQUENCES: To make our classroom a safe and efficient learning environment, students are expected to follow the classroom rules. 5th/6th Grade Discipline Plan will be implemented as follows:

1) Non-verbal warning (re-direct)
a. Make eye contact, a hand or head signal; touch
        2) Verbal warning (specific re-direct)
a. Target the inappropriate behavior
        b. Make a clear request of the change that needs to be made
3) In-room individual separation
a. Student moved to a suitable seat to continue working
b. Make clear that removal from class comes next
4) Removal from classroom
a. Have a quick follow-up discussion in the hall before allowing the student to return to class
b. Include parent contact in this step (note with signature or documented phone call)
c. Send student to partner teacher for time out
a. Parents will be notified by administrator
b. Consequence determined by administrator
c. Administrator contacts teacher with consequence given

The planner is a great tool for students, parents, and teachers to communicate with each other. Students will have planners signed by parents/guardians daily and will be checked upon arrival in Homeroom. Points will be given for bringing in planner with parent’s signature.

I am looking forward to working with your child this year. After reading the disclosure, please sign, and have your child sign below. Please have he/she return the signed disclosure to Ms. Chiang, no later than Friday, August 25, 2017.  Thank you!

My child and I have read and will abide by the information in Ms. Chiang’s Math/Science disclosure statement.

Student’s Name: _____________________ (PLEASE PRINT!) Student’s Signature ________________
Class Period: __________            Grade Level:  5th Grade Science/Math
Guardian’s Name: _________________________  (PLEASE PRINT!)
Guardian’s Signature: _______________________ Relationship: _________________
Home Phone Number: _______________________ Cell: _______________________
Emergency contact person: ___________________ Relationship: ________________
Emergency Phone Number: ___________________Email: ______________________

Please inform me of anything I MUST know about your child below.   Thanks!